Learning Objectives
Following this assignment students should be able to:
- install and load an R package
- understand the data manipulation functions of
- execute a simple import and analyze data scenario
Optional Resources:
Lecture Notes
Lecture Notes
Place this code at the start of the assignment to load all the required packages.
Shrub Volume Aggregation (10 pts)
This is a follow-up to Shrub Volume Data Basics.
Dr. Morales wants some summary data of the plants at her sites and for her experiments. If the file shrub-volume-data.csv is not already in your work space download it.
This code calculates the average height of a plant at each site:
shrub_dims <- read_csv('shrub-volume-data.csv') by_site <- group_by(shrub_dims, site) avg_height <- summarize(by_site, avg_height = mean(height))
- Modify the code to calculate and print the average height of a plant in each experiment.
- Add a line of code to use
to determine the maximum height of a plant at each site.
Shrub Volume Join (10 pts)
This is a follow-up to Shrub Volume Aggregation.
In addition to the main data table on shrub dimensions, Dr. Morales has two additional data tables. The first describes the manipulation for each experiment. The second provides information about the different sites. Check if the files
are in your work space (your instructor may have already added them). If not download the experiments data and the sites data.- Import the experiments data and then use
to combine it with the shrub dimensions data to add amanipulation
column to the shrub data. - Import the sites data and then combine it with both the data on shrub dimensions and the data on experiments to produce a single data frame that contains all of the data.
- Import the experiments data and then use
Portal Data Aggregation (10 pts)
If the file surveys.csv is not already in your working directory download it.
into R usingread_csv()
.- Use the
functions to get a count of the number of individuals in each species ID. - Use the
functions to get a count of the number of individuals in each species ID in each year. - Use the
, andsummarize()
functions to get the mean mass of speciesDO
in each year.
- Use the
Fix the Code (10 pts)
This is a follow-up to Shrub Volume Aggregation. If you don’t already have the shrub volume data in your working directory download it.
The following code is supposed to import the shrub volume data and calculate the average shrub volume for each site and, separately, for each experiment.
read_csv("shrub-volume-data.csv") shrub_data |> mutate(volume = length * width * height) |> group_by(site) |> summarize(mean_volume = max(volume)) shrub_data |> mutate(volume = length * width * height) group_by(experiment) |> summarize(mean_volume = mean(volume))
- Fix the errors in the code so that it does what it’s supposed to
- Add a comment to the top of the code explaining what it does
Portal Data Joins (15 pts)
If surveys.csv, species.csv, and plots.csv are not available in your workspace download them:
Load them into R using
.- Use
to create a table that contains the information from both thesurveys
table and thespecies
table. - Use
twice to create a table that contains the information from all three tables. - Use
to get a data frame with the information from thesurveys
tables where theplot_type
- Use
Portal Data dplyr Review (15 pts)
If surveys.csv, species.csv, and plots.csv are not available in your workspace download them:
Load them into R using
.We want to do an analysis comparing the size of individuals on the
Expected outputs for Portal Data dplyr ReviewControl
plots to theLong-term Krat Exclosures
. Create a data frame with theyear
for all cases where the plot type is eitherControl
orLong-term Krat Exclosure
. Only include cases whereTaxa
. Remove any records where theweight
is missing.Extracting vectors from data frames (10 pts)
Using the Portal data
table (download a copy if it’s not in your working directory):- Use
to extract theweight
column into a vector - Use
to extract themonth
column into a vector - Extract the
column into a vector usingpull()
and use this vector to calculate the mean hindfoot length ignoring null values
- Use
Building data frames from vectors (10 pts)
You have data on the length, width, and height of 10 individuals of the yew Taxus baccata stored in the following vectors:
length <- c(2.2, 2.1, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 2.5, 1.9, 1.1, 3.5, 2.9) width <- c(1.3, 2.2, 1.5, 4.5, 3.1, NA, 1.8, 0.5, 2.0, 2.7) height <- c(9.6, 7.6, 2.2, 1.5, 4.0, 3.0, 4.5, 2.3, 7.5, 3.2)
Make a data frame that contains these three vectors as columns along with a
Expected outputs for Building data frames from vectorsgenus
column containing the name Taxus on all rows and aspecies
column containing the word baccata on all rows.Check That Your Code Runs (10 pts)
Sometimes you think you’re code runs, but it only actually works because of something else you did previously. To make sure it actually runs you should save your work and then run it in a clean environment.
Follow these steps in RStudio to make sure your code really runs:
1. Restart R (see above) by clicking
in the menu bar and selectingRestart R
:2. If the
tab isn’t empty click on the broom icon to clear it:The
tab should now say “Environment Is Empty”:3. Rerun your entire homework assignment using “Source with Echo” to make sure it runs from start to finish and produces the expected results.
Expected outputs for Check That Your Code RunsM'Baïki Data Challenge (Challenge - optional)
A long-term study near M’Baïki in the Central African Republic has been monitoring tropical forest recovery from disturbance for 40 years.
Use the data on yearly tree measurements (in mbaiki_measures.csv), information on the individual (in mbaiki_trees.csv), and the names of the species in the forest (in mbaiki_species.csv)to answer the following questions (if isn’t in your working directory download it).
- Create a new data frame that contains the following information for each unique tree (each tree has a unique
): Theid_tree
, the net growth (total change in diameter from the first year a tree is measured to the last year a tree is measured), the time period of sampling in years (number of years between the first and last measurement), and the growth rate (the net growth divided by the time period of sampling). Only include observations while the tree was alive in these calculations. - Starting with the data frame you created in (1) create a new data frame that contains the following information on the average growth rate of trees in each species in each subplot: The ID of the subplot, the scientific name of the species, the mean growth rate of all of the trees of that species in that subplot, and the sample size used to estimate the mean (i.e., the number of trees of that species in that subplot). Make sure the resulting data frame is not grouped.
Find out more about this dataset by accessing the full dataset or reading the associated paper: Bénédet, F., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Allah-Barem, F. et al. 2024. 40 years of forest dynamics and tree demography in an intact tropical forest at M’Baïki in central Africa. Sci Data 11, 734.
Expected outputs for M'Baïki Data Challenge- Create a new data frame that contains the following information for each unique tree (each tree has a unique