Learning Objectives

Following this assignment students should be able to:

  • Insert objective 1
  • Insert objective 2
  • Insert objective 3


Lecture Notes

Insert Markdown and links to materials file


  1. Exercise Template

    1. Determine the topic, title, and language from the front matter of your new or modified exercise.
    2. Name the file with the format Topic-title-Language.md in the exercises/ directory such as Templates-exercise-template-Python.md. The file must start with an UPPER case letter.
    3. Generate or repair course linkages.
      • The title may be listed in assignments/
      • An output file or set of files can be stored in solutions/ with matching Topic-title-Language format. The file retains its file extension. Multiple files are numbered such as: Templates-exercise-template-Python-1.txt, Templates-exercise-template-Python-2.jpg, …
      • Reference the exercise in a follow-up link: [Title](/semester-biology/exercises/Topic-title-Language)
    4. Be sure to contribute your new exercise to the Data Carpentry Repository.
    Expected outputs for Exercise Template
  2. Exercise Template

    1. Determine the topic, title, and language from the front matter of your new or modified exercise.
    2. Name the file with the format Topic-title-Language.md in the exercises/ directory such as Templates-exercise-template-Python.md. The file must start with an UPPER case letter.
    3. Generate or repair course linkages.
      • The title may be listed in assignments/
      • An output file or set of files can be stored in solutions/ with matching Topic-title-Language format. The file retains its file extension. Multiple files are numbered such as: Templates-exercise-template-Python-1.txt, Templates-exercise-template-Python-2.jpg, …
      • Reference the exercise in a follow-up link: [Title](/semester-biology/exercises/Topic-title-Language)
    4. Be sure to contribute your new exercise to the Data Carpentry Repository.
    Expected outputs for Exercise Template

Assignment submission & checklist

Assignment Management

  1. Determine the title and language of your new or modified assignment.
  2. Add learning objectives.
  3. Name the file with the format: language-short-description.mdin the assignments/ directory. The file must start with a lower case letter.
  4. Generate an exercises: list of exercises/ title:.
  5. Add assignment title: to schedule.md assignments: list.