Choice Operators (Making Choices)

Create the following variables:

w = 10.2
x = 1.3
y = 2.8
z = 17.5
dna1 = 'attattaggaccaca'
dna2 = 'attattaggaacaca'
species1 = 'diplodocus'
species2 = 'tyrannosaurus'

Use them to print whether or not the following statements are

True or False:

  1. w is greater than 10
  2. w + x is less than 15
  3. x is greater than y
  4. 2 * x + 0.2 is equal to y
  5. dna1 is the same as dna2
  6. dna1 is not the same as dna2
  7. The number of occurrences of the base t is the same in dna1 and dna2
  8. x times w is between 13.2 and 13.5
  9. species2 comes before species1 alphabetically
  10. w is greater than x, and y is greater than z
  11. dna1 is longer than 5 bases, or z is less than w * x, or both
  12. The combined length of dna1 and dna2 is greater than or equal to 30
  13. (w + x + y) divided by the logarithm (base 10) of 100 is equal to 7.15
  14. The GC content (which is always a percentage) of dna1 is not the same as the GC content of dna2
Expected outputs for Choice Operators