Merge Conflict (Version Control)

You decide to change the parameter values that are being used in Change the last 3 lines of the file to:

print get_logistic_grwth_equil(10, 0.75, 1000)
print get_logistic_grwth_equil(10, 0.25, 5000)
print get_logistic_grwth_equil(5, 0.5, 100)

Now, follow these instructions carefully:

  1. Save the file, but do not commit the change.
  2. Email me to let me know you’ve changed the file.
  3. I’ll email you back and tell you to go ahead and try to commit.
  4. You should get an error indicating that the commit failed because you aren’t up to date with the repository (I’ve made changes since your last update).
  5. Update, resolve any conflicts, and commit the resulting version of the file.
Expected outputs for Merge Conflict