
  • Introduce yourself (include your pronouns)
  • Introduce co-instructors/TAs
  • Depending on class size have students introduce themselves

Course goals

  • Data and how to work with it
  • Data entry & storage -> Import -> Manipulate -> Visualize -> Model -> Evaluate
  • This class focuses on the first 4
  • Not statistics or machine learning

Expected background

  • Assumes no background in R or any of the other things we’ll learn
  • If you’re already good at R it’s worth spending some time with the website (which we’re about to look at) to see if this a good fit for you

Teaching methods

  • You don’t learn how ride a bike just by listening to someone talk about it and the same is true for computing
  • So we use a fair bit of class time for working on exercises, asking questions, and getting help
  • But just trying to learn the concepts behind computing is also tricky, so we don’t use a fully flipped class approach
  • I do, we do, you do
    • I will demo an idea using live coding
    • We will work on an associated exercise together in class
    • You will work on additional exercises on your own (both in & out of class)
  • Peer instruction
    • Interact with each other during the we do and you do parts
    • You are at least as likely to learn from your peers as from me
    • If you already know some of the material and are getting ahead, see if there’s someone you can help
    • Introduce yourself to one of your neighbors you don’t know
  • If you can’t make it to class, this workflow is replicated on the website on the Lessons tab for each week, with a combination of short video lessons and exercises to reinforce what you just learned

Course structure

Open website

  • Lessons integrated with weekly assignments
  • Practice is really important for learning skills like this
  • All exercises are part of the assignments.
  • Work on them until you get stuck and then ask for help, don’t struggle for hours on online help sites
  • Assignments for the first 12 weeks of class and then optional ungraded content though the end of the semester
  • Assignments due end of the day on Monday
  • I encourage you to keep up with deadlines whenever possible. Each step of the course builds on the last step and students who get behind often have a hard time catching up.
  • That said, life happens, so there is an automatic 48 hour extension if you need it. You don’t need to ask, you can just turn things in up to 48 hours late.
  • If you need a longer extension just ask. You don’t need to disclose personal information to me to get an extension. Just let me know how long you need.


Walk through the website showing the following items

  • Schedule
    • Walk through schedule (quickly)
  • Readings
    • Read before relevant class
    • No need to do any challenges or exercises in readings
  • Lessons
    • Alternating short videos (to introduce idea) and exercise (to start using that idea)
    • Alternating between video and exercise will be most effective for most folks
  • Lectures
    • Lectures notes used in class
    • Not expected to read in advance; may be useful for review
    • May not match lecture precisely
  • Assignments
    • Answers provided


  • Grading
    • Code runs, uses the requested approach, and produces approximately the correct answer: 100%
    • Attempts to solve the problem and makes some progress using the core concept, but does not produce approximately the correct answer or demonstrate basic comfort with the core concept: 50%
    • Not submitted or no meaningful effort demonstrated: 0%
  • Challenge exercises
  • Give it a read and let me know if you have any questions

Office Hours

  • Friday, 10-11 am, in-person in Building 150, or on Zoom


  • Show Canvas
  • Will publish modules as soon as the material is ready to be worked on
  • First thing Monday at the latest, but hopefully much earlier
  • Handle assignment submission, grading, and announcements through Canvas

Inclusive and Accessible Course

  • Learning computing is hard
  • Learning computing in a classroom that doesn’t provide a supportive environment is awful
  • It’s really important to me that this course provide a positive, inclusive, accessible, learning environment for everyone
  • If that is not the experience you are having for any reason, just let me know and I’ll actively work to correct it.
  • There are two gender-inclusive restrooms available in the building where the course is taught:
    • 1st floor in Room 124
    • 3rd floor in Room 304

First day demo

  • With the little time we have left I just want to do a quick demo of some of the things you’ll be able to do by the time we’re half way through the class