Repetition in R

  • Computers are great at doing things repeatedly
  • We’ve learned to use functions to find mass for one volume
est_mass <- function(volume){
  mass <- 2.65 * volume^0.9

  • This makes it easier to find mass for other volumes
  • But, this is tedious, error-prone, and impossible for large numbers of volumes
  • There are multiple ways to do something repeatedly in R and we’ll talk about all of them over the next several lessons
  • These include
    • Vectorize - where we right functions that take a vector of values, do elementwise calculations, and return a vector of results
    • Using Apply/Map - which takes a function and applies it to each item in a list of items
    • Combining our own functions with dplyr - which we can do using both vectorized and non-vectorized functions
    • Loops - which provide us with complete control to perform of any kind of repetition we want


  • Write functions that take a vector of values, do elementwise calculations, and return a vector of the results
  • Any function that only uses calculations that are vectorized
  • E.g., vector math
c(1, 2, 3) * 2
  • Our current function already works on a vector
est_mass <- function(volume){
  mass <- 2.65 * volume ^ 0.9

volumes = c(1.6, 5.6, 3.1)
  • Many functions in R are vectorized which means that we can often repeated things using only this vectorization
  • We can also use use vectorized functions with data frames by sending the individual columns of a data frame to the function
data <- data.frame(volumes, plant_id = c(1, 2, 3))

Do Size Estimates Vectorized 1.

Multiple Arguments

  • Let’s modify our function to take the coefficient (the value that is currently set as 2.65) as an argument
  • We’ll call it a
est_mass_coef <- function(volume, a){
  mass <- a * volume ^ 0.9

est_mass_coef(volumes, 2.56)
  • Because we only provided a single value of a, that value gets used for every value of volume when doing the calculation
  • But multiplication is also vectorized for two vectors
c(1, 2, 3) * c(1, 2, 3)
  • So we can also pass the function a vector of values for a
as <- c(2.56, 1, 3.2)
est_mass_coef(volumes, as)

Integrating with dplyr

  • We can also integrate our vectorized functions with dplyr
  • This lets us use them to repeat calculations for each row in a data frame
  • Let’s convert our volume and as vectors into a data frame
plant_data = data.frame(volume = volumes, a = as)
  • To apply vectorized functions to each row in a table we can use mutate
plant_data |>
  mutate(masses = est_mass_coef(volume, a))
  • This is just like we’ve seen using other R functions, but it works with the vectorized functions we write as well

Do Size Estimates Vectorized 2-3.

Apply/Map functions

  • Not all functions in R are vectorized
  • So we need a way to repeatedly run these non-vectorized functions
  • Use apply() and map() functions
  • We’ll learn the apply family of functions since they are very common, but map is a very similiar tidyverse option

  • These functions take two arguments
  • The first is a vector of values that we want to run a function on
  • The second is the function that we want to run on each value in the vector
  • The apply functions then “apply” the function each item in the vector
  • Return a list of the same size
  • Doesn’t require calculations to work on vectors

  • Let’s look at this with a version of our function that only calculates mass for volumes less than a maximum size
est_mass_max <- function(volume){
  if (volume < 5) {
    mass <- 2.56 * volume ^ 0.9
  } else {
    mass <- NA
  • If we try to run this function on our volume it won’t work because the if statements are designed for a single value, not a vector
  • Instead we can use one of the apply() functions

sapply & lapply

  • We’ll start with sapply()
  • This function take two arguments
  • The first is a single vector
  • The second is the function that we want to “apply” to each element of that vector (or list)
  • So if we use our volumes vector and our new est_mass() function
  • sapply() will run the est_mass function on each value in volumes, one value at a time
sapply(volumes, est_mass_max)
  • Under the surface this is that same as running our est_mass() function on the first item in volumes
  • Then running it on the second value in volumes and then the third value in volumes
  • And the storing those values together in a vector
c(est_mass_max(volumes[1]), est_mass_max(volumes[2]), est_mass_max(volumes[3]))
  • This lets us do the same action on many things with single line of code

  • Handful of similar functions in apply() family
  • Differ depending on type of input and output data
  • The s in sapply stands for “simplify”
  • It will try to return the simplest object possible, in this case a vector
  • lapply returns a “list”
lapply(volumes, est_mass_max)
  • This is a more complicated, but also more flexible, data structure that we don’t see much in this class, but it’s useful to know the difference between lapply and sapply.
  • We can store anything in a list, so if you had a function that made a bunch of graphs or a bunch of data frames lapply would let you work with them
  • Likewise both of these functions can also take a list as input allowing you to accomplish more complicated things

Do Size Estimates With Maximum.

Apply with multiple arguments

  • mapply() for functions with multiple arguments
  • Vegetation type specific equations
est_mass_type <- function(volume, veg_type){
  if (veg_type == "shrub"){
    mass <- 2.65 * volume^0.9
  } else {
    mass <- NA

est_mass_type(1.6, "shrub")
plant_types = c("shrub", "tree", "shrub")
est_mass_type(volumes, plant_types) # Error
  • Doesn’t vectorize, due to conditionals
  • Use an apply function instead
  • mapply() because “multiple” inputs
mapply(est_mass_type, volumes, plant_types)
  • First argument is function
  • All other arguments are arguments for the function

Do Task 1 in Size Estimates By Name Apply.

  • map functions from purrr package are similar to apply

Integrating with dplyr

  • Let’s update our plant_data data frame to include our plant types
plant_type_data = data.frame(volume = volumes,
                        plant_type = plant_types)
  • The basic integration with dplyr we used for vectorized functions won’t work with non-vectorized functions
plant_type_data |>
  mutate(masses = est_mass_type(volume, plant_type))
  • Error because est_mass_type isn’t vectorized
  • By default dplyr runs this function by converting the individual columns to vectors and running the function on those vectors
  • Just like when we tried to run the function on the vectors
  • To get around this we add the function rowwise to our dplyr pipeline
  • This tells dplyr to work with the data one row at a time, like an apply function
plant_data |>
  rowwise() |>
  mutate(masses = est_mass_type(volumes, plant_types))

Do Task 2 in Size Estimates By Name Apply.

One result per group

  • We can also combine functions with group_by and summarize to repeat a calculation for each group
  • These functions need to take a vector as input and return a single value as output
  • So, let’s write a function that calculates the biomass (the sum of the individual masses) for each plant type
get_biomass <- function(volumes){
  masses <- est_mass(volumes)
  biomass <- sum(masses)
  • This function takes a vector of volumes as input and returns a single value, the biomass
  • We can then group our data by plant_types
  • And summarize by our function to calculate the biomass for each group
plant_data |>
  group_by(plant_types) |>
  summarize(biomass = get_biomass(volumes))

Using lapply with files and data frames (optional)

  • lapply() will always return a list
  • We can store anything we want in a list
  • Let’s download some (made up) satellite collar data where the data for each collar is stored in one file
data_files = list.files(pattern = "locations-")
  • Since we can store anything in a list we can store entire data frames
  • Use lapply() to load all of the files into data frames

data_frames = lapply(data_files, read_csv)
  • We applied the read_csv() function to each data file
  • And get back a list of data frames
  • Now we can use lapply() again to do something to each data frame

get_unique_locations <- function(df){
  unique_locations <- df |>
    select(lat, long) |>

unique_locations <- lapply(data_frames, get_unique_locations)

Other apply functions (optional)

  • There are a few other apply functions
  • vapply() works like sapply(), but you have to tell it what type the returned vector will be
  • tapply() works like sapply(), but lets you provide a single grouping field (kind of like group_by() in dplyr)

  • apply() works on multi-dimensional data
  • Set MARGIN to tell it which dimension to calculate along
  • 1 for rows
  • 2 for columns
counts = data.frame(sp1 = c(5, 4, 7, 6), sp2 = c(6, 2, 6, 9), sp3 = c(8, 16, 1, 0))
apply(X = counts, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum)
apply(X = counts, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum)